Ⅲ.睡眠障害 睡眠障害に関する国際分類には,世界保健機関(WHO)による「疾病及び関連保健問題の国際統計分類(International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems(ICD)),米国精神医学会(APA)による「精神障害の診断と統計の手引き(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders( DSM))」などがあるが,ここでは,米国睡眠障害連合(ASDA)が中心となってまとめた「睡眠障害国際分類(International Classifi cation of Sleep Disorders(ICSD))」を紹介する。加えて,主な睡眠障害が日本ではどのくらいの頻度でみられるのか,これまでに行われた疫学研究をもとに紹介する。
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ABSTRACT The Laughter Therapy Kazue TAKAYANAGI The Department of Health Policy and Management at Nippon Medical School There are few scientific papers about the effectiveness of the laughter of the patients, even laughter is essential to human com- munication. Cultural values of people acknowledge laughter as good medicine, although the black humor is sometimes risky strat- egy for the depressed patient. The most patient has his own serious problem which prevent him to laugh. Laughter in complementary and alternative medicine means to offer the atmosphere and environment where depressed patient can be educated smile and laugher to improve psycho-physiological status. Current review of laughter was done and grouped into three main themes: (1) medical aspect of laughter, (2) laughter as one of the alternative medicine, which relieve stress, care and heal the patient and (3) the laughing therapist who enhancing laughing to the patients suffered from mental status. There are some supported paper of a connection between sense of humor and self- reported physical health. More research is required to determine interrelationships between sense of humor and well-being. This study contribute the value and significance of laughter to support people in their learning journey. Key words: Laughter, therapist, healing environment
ご紹介した論文 Sleep characteristics and cognitive impairment in the general population: The HypnoLaus study. Neurology 2917 Jan 31; 88:463 doi: 10.1212 Haba-Rubio J, et al.
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